
Monday, 25 January 2016

The Struggles of Life as a Millennial

It doesn't matter how "down to earth" and normal you try to be, deep down (not that deep) you feel like you are destined for more. It's not a question of vanity but more about what is wrong with our generation that society taught us to all think that we're special. As much as you don't want to buy into it you can't help but feel like you're the exception to the rule and your career really is going to be the one that all your high school friends look to for inspiration. I mean if it happened to your sister's friend's cousin why not you?

This is not to say that I fully buy into the hype around being told you're special but it truly doesn't help when random people tell you so too. Does that mean that you ARE special because surely that doesn't happen to everyone? But what if it does and you're over thinking everything? But also, what does it mean if you feel like your big break is right around the corner, but you can feel it in your bones. Is this our conditioning or is it real, can you genuinely feel deep in your soul that you are going to make something of your life?

Does everyone compare themselves to celebrities at their age or is it just those of gen Y? Is my interest in actors around my age because of their talent or because my lack of achievement at the ripe old age of 22.

2016 is the year of action, this is the year that we make strives towards becoming that "special snowflake", hopefully working my hardest will allow me to reach that level but I fear this is my millennial mind talking rather than sense.